Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It Starts...

Well, ain't thissa sight? Not often ya see me ac'ully make these here kinda things.

I have no idea why I decided I wanted to introduce myself like that. But hey, does it really matter? Well, actually, depending on how I want you to think of me, it COULD matter. It's amazing what you can just assume of someone just by reading what the write down. Anyone else think that's cool? You can get this little voice for different people in your heads too.

Anyway, rambling aside, hi! As this is a rather random kinda blog, feel free to call me whatever you like. Assuming that there's going to be people who read this. But I can respond to anything! Short of 'You Skanky Ol' Youngster Who-
Wow I can't even finish that one. That's how low my creative processing is right now.

Woah, you're still here? Well, I guess as recompense I should tell you a few things about myself?

1) I can stand the sight of worms, and look at microscopic germs, but technicolor pachyderms is clear to much for me!

No honestly. I love worms. That sounds weird, but it's true. I don't love them in a 'How to Eat Fried Worms' kinda way, but I do like them. I think they're cute. When I was little I used to pick up stepping stones after it rained to let the little guys squirm around in my hand.
And then later, when I would play with some of the other kids outside we liked to split them in half just to see if they would grow the rest of their body back. Not sure what that says about my phycological condition.
Oh! And I love looking at stuff under a microscope. Seeing all these little tiny things move around? AWESOME. And the thing is, I can look at all these little Malaria inducing, Polo spreading, Influenza causing little packets of evil and still eat things from the floor. Five second rule or not. So yeah. That's different.
And Technicolor pachyderms make me scream.

2) I love to write.

(You don't say?!) I've been addicted to this ever since I was little. The first story I wrote was about a princess was who was kidnapped by a dragon, because the princess was supposed to be the yearly sacrificial offering to the beast, and the prince comes, defeats the monster, yada yada. Now that I think about it I kinda think I had some backstory for the father of the princess that I wasn't able to turn into my 1st grade teacher. I was only allowed five pages and I didn't have enough space to write it in. There was some insanity I think.
As you can tell, my humble beginnings were verging on strange, and I have crossed that line long ago.

3) I want a tacky Christmas sweater.


4) This is more of a warning then anything else. As my favorite part about story telling is the characters, I'll end up sobbing and crying over every and any character I particularly enjoy. Be they from a book or a movie or a comic or whatnot.
And lots of Marvel. There will be a lot of those kinds of feelings going on. So yeah.

Woah. You guys are still here? This is my introductory post!
Back to the shadow! Flame of Udun!

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