I promised myself I would postpone a personal post as long as possible. And then things happened. Woohoo.
It's honestly not a big deal, rather cliche when it comes to artists actually. I can promise you, you could probably guess my situation right now, with my age, current student status and yada yada. But that's now what I'm talking about today.
Well, okay, it stems off from that (and I need a place to blow off some steam) but this little post is on a more broader scale.
Well, ain't thissa sight? Not often ya see me ac'ully make these here kinda things.
I have no idea why I decided I wanted to introduce myself like that. But hey, does it really matter? Well, actually, depending on how I want you to think of me, it COULD matter. It's amazing what you can just assume of someone just by reading what the write down. Anyone else think that's cool? You can get this little voice for different people in your heads too.